Iain Kyle Forestry Consultancy Ltd

Wallshield NWC planted in 2015 after a four-year battle with Northumberland National Park, now growing well.
Hoping to get approval this year for Phase two after another long battle with Northumberland National Park.

Site clearance for new quarry development
After a recommendation to the quarry owners from a satisfied client, I revalued the standing timber before harvesting and reduced their compensation payments considerably.
We then reviewed the harvested timber and asked contacts to retender achieving a greater sale price.
The site was managed by Iain Kyle Forestry, overseeing the harvesting, monitored the uplift of timber and ensured all payments were made.

Unmanaged Ancient Woodland
Unmanaged ancient woodland,
by thinning,
it removes the dangers and non-native trees which allowed more sunlight to the forest floor.
This has allowed a natural regeneration to develop, the first stage in creating a diverse multistorey woodland.
Creating a better amenity space for the local community to walk, play and enjoy.